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Annie Winston is an author of children's books.

About Annie

Annie Winston

Children's Author

I love writing for children.

Ever since I read Dr. Seuss when I was in first grade, I wanted to be one of those people who tell stories and make up new words, like I did when I wrote my book, Admiral Wright's Heroical Storicals. I was born in a small town in Southern California. I had the unique privilege of having had a womb mate. I'm an identical twin and a former Doublemint Twin.  I love helping others and bringing lots of smiles to their faces,  enjoying an east Indian meal, dark chocolate, leisurely bike rides, taking photos, hiking, reading and walks on the beach. Most of all, I enjoy  spending time with family and friends and getting to know the Creator of the universe better because He is really there and He's the Author of joy, laughter, love and every good thing.